JAVA & Co. attended our annual Thanksgiving Market in Bloomington, Illinois this past weekend. Since Brian and I began going to the outdoor market in Bloomington, the Thanksgiving Market has become an annual event. We wouldn't miss it.
Sitting here, in my home office, writing this blog entry, I'm overflowing with thankfulness (if that's a word, if not, I like it) for our customers, our colleagues and fellow small businesses. We may have launched JAVA & Co. with a dream, a passion and a recipe, but we know we wouldn't still be 'cooking' and 'baking' if it weren't for the wonderful supportive people along the way - sharing ideas, tips, feedback and humor!
I'm reminded that the majority of BIG business did not go from zero to sixty in 7 seconds, but built from the ground up and were once, not just small businesses but rather, micro businesses like JAVA & Co. is today. And today, for 2013, for JAVA & Co., for Brian and I, it's hard to consider trading the closeness of our micro business for something bigger. We've been in corporate. We've managed teams. Nothing compares with the rewarding relationships that we have developed with our supportive customers. Brian and I have something that many CEO's and Presidents miss out on - a direct line with our guests.
It makes us want to work harder; and month after month - provide an even better product; and something new for them to try.
They make us more creative.
They make us better.
They make JAVA & Co. better.
We are SO thankful.
Thank you!
Wishing you blessings this holiday season!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Brian & Jamie Knoll